Christianity Explained
Page Five

What is a

1. Repenting

'The kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the good news.' Mark 1:15


Q: What is a Christian?
A: Someone who belongs to the kingdom of God

Q: How can I belong to the kingdom of God?
A: Repent and believe in Jesus Christ.

We have seen that a Christian believes certain facts about Jesus Christ:

But being a Christian is more that just believing these facts.

Repentance means:

See Mark 8:34-38 and Mark 9:43-48.

At home:

Re-read the booklet you have been given.
What gifts does God promise to those who repent and believe?

Mark 1:8 H _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _

Mark 2:10 F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Mark 10:30 E _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _

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This site was updated on the 16th December 2002